Cosmetic+Skin Care Posts Thoughts

Brighten Your Teeth & Smile With Pop Smile + Tips To Make A Stellar First Impression


I found this photo online a couple years ago and it couldn’t be more true! A smile really can lead to so many new beginnings, and it is one of the first things people will notice about you. In this post I’m going to talk all about smiling, tips to make the best possible first impressions, and pearly white teeth!


Lately, I decided to give teeth whitening home kits a try. Having to agree on a mutually agreeable time with my dentist is just not feasible sometimes, especially around holidays.

When I was initially introduced to Pop Smile, I was intrigued by their branding, which sets themselves apart from other similar home kits. Their designs are ‘insta-worthy’, clean, and very attractive. Another feature that is important to me is that they are peroxide-free and natural. Although any teeth whitening treatment (whether at home or at your dentist) has its chances for disadvantages, but choosing a peroxide-free option minimizes chances of teeth irritability or destroying your enamel.


Each kit comes packaged with the items you see here in the most chic and fun box! The box I tried out is their ultimate kit. They also have a starter kit, but I highly recommend the full kit with the touch up pen and cute travel pouch!

-5x 0.2ml  Accelerator Swabs
-2x Mouth Trays
-3x 3ml Whitening Gels
-1x  LED Activator
-1 Mouth Tray Case
-1 Booster Pen
-1 Travel Pouch


Whitening gels


A little card to measure your treatment cycle.


LED light, mouth guards, and case


Pre-treatment swabs and a touch up pen for after the treatment cycle.


I love this travel pouch so much! I keep my other daily essentials in here along with the touch up pen. A great reminder to smile more 🙂 Here are a few photos of how I use this adorable pouch when I’m out and about!




Before treatment.


Post treatment. You can also see from the photo in the beginning of this post (where I’m in the hot tub), my teeth are noticeably whiter. I like to do something else while I’m doing my treatment, and a soak in the hot tub isn’t a bad idea 😉 I highly recommend using this time as a pamper/relaxation session!

The kit is fairly easy to use, I use the pre-treatment swabs and coat it over my teeth. Then I add the whitening gel into the mouth guard and put the guard in my mouth. I then place the LED light to my teeth for 10 minutes. After that I’ve finished my treatment for the day! Pop Smile recommends using the kit 2 times a day, but I’ve been using it once a day for 9 days and it has shown great results already! For better results, perhaps try the recommended twice daily method. Full details of usage can be found on their site that I’ve linked in the beginning of this post. For now I just use the touch up pen, and will go back to the kit when I feel like I need to. My teeth did not feel irritable at all, so I will definitely be using it again! Many kits and whitening pens out there claim there are results, but often a majority of these products don’t work and end up as disappointments, which is why I’m fairly picky when I do choose to use a home kit. However Pop Smile has proved otherwise!

Now we are on to the next portion of this post, tips to make a stellar first impression! I can’t write a post on teeth and smiling without talking about first impressions, especially when smiling is such a big part of first impressions. Having presentable teeth will make a first impression that much better! We can debate for months and years whether this is a necessity, and while having whiter teeth isn’t everything, clean and well taken care of teeth do help with a warm smile for those first encounters. And remember to go for routinely check-ups at the dentist! 😉

I’m no expert and I’m definitely still learning and growing in this area, but I have had quite a few encounters at work, school, networking events, and just simply meeting new people over the years. I’m sharing what I’m comfortable with in situations, and has worked for me. Hopefully you’ll find these tips useful 🙂

1. Smile

No surprise with this one! A smile really does go a long way. There have been ample research and studies that found the majority of people respond best to those with genuine smiles, as it symbolizes friendliness and openness.

2. Confidence

This one is a work in progress for so many people, and sometimes we just become too humble (which is a good thing!) that we can’t show all our awesomeness to someone else we’ve just met. For me, I find my confidence from the fact that I am happy with where I am currently in life, and how I’m living it. This can be from something such as being happy with how much I like my current room decor, to accomplishments such as working towards a career that makes me happy. Confidence doesn’t always have to be professional accomplishments, when you are happy with various aspects of your life, you can find confidence from that and it will project naturally 🙂

3. If engaging in a conversation, focus on the other person

Some of you may have heard this before, but PEOPLE ENJOY TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES (haha!). They also like people that listen to them 😉 If there is conversation going on, let the other person (or people) share what they have to say. People remember if you’re a good listener, which is a great trait to have.

4. Avoid making jokes until an appropriate time

I’m someone that likes to make jokes, and I’ve learned from many past instances by now to NOT MAKE A JOKE until you can sense that the other person is comfortable with a certain level of humour. Nothing ruins a first impression more than when 1 person feels the situation is appropriate for humour, only to find the other person thinks otherwise. Awkward turtle…

4. Body language

Do not talk with your arms crossed, I repeat, DO NOT. It is very easy to do this naturally, but this shows you aren’t very welcoming of this person, and unfortunately, some people might take this the wrong way. Better be safe than sorry, especially if the person you’re meeting for the first time is your future manager!

Another important tip on body language is to have a medium-firm handshake. I’ve spent a good amount of time in workshops and training courses that have dedicated components to dissect handshake meanings. The rule of thumb is, don’t be too firm or too “soft” with your handshake, just a good in-between. During a first impression, a handshake can tell a lot about the type of person you are. A softer handshake may show that you’re not too confident of the situation, and that may not look so well to a prospective employer or someone you’re pitching to (eg. investors, new business opportunities).

After reading this post, with a smile and pearly whites, handful of first impression tips, go out there and take on the world! 😀


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